Friday, November 18, 2011

Oil- what you haven't seen in the news...

Received this some time back, however, there may be many still unaware of this news:

"Here's an interesting read, important and verifiable information :

About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and
one of the Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I am going to
ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oil
does the U.S. have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more
than all the Middle East put together." Please read below.

The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only
scientists and oil men knew was coming, but, man, was it big. It was a
revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota , western South Dakota , and extreme eastern Montana ...... check THIS out:

The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe
Bay, and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign
oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion
barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable... at $107 a barrel,
we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5..3 trillion.
"When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see
their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.." says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature's financial analyst.
"This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found
in the past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a
formation known as the Williston Basin, but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.' It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada...
For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves.... and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight. And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because it's from 2006!
U. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World- Stansberry Report Online – 4/20/2006:
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the
largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION
barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In
three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this
motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders,
than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:
- 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

- 18-times as much oil as Iraq

- 21-times as much oil as Kuwait

- 22-times as much oil as Iran

- 500-times as much oil as Yemen

- and it's all right here in the Western United States.
HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because many
environmentalists and others have blocked all ppen in this country if every one of you sent this to every one in your address book... By the way...this is all true. Check it out at the link below!!! GOOGLE it, or follow this link":

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shedding Light

It came to my attention that, in the State of Colorado, State offices hire out the task of changing light bulbs. Not only do they hire this simple task out to a maintainence company, that company, in turn, then hires out someone else to do the actual job. On one hand, I suppose this is keeping some people employed that might not otherwise be employed, however, it seems like an additional government expense that could be allieviated if someone in the office actually managed to change the light bulb when it no longer functioned.
Overheard at one State office was a comment that the person hired to change the light bulb made that might cause some concern. It was mentioned that these light bulbs would, in the very near future, blow out the ballast, requiring further repair work and more cost every time a light bulb met the end of its expected lifetime. These new light bulbs, according to the installer, were being deliberately designed to blow out the ballast. So, instead of just replacing the bulb, complete replacement of the entire ballast and the bulb would be required.
This seems like a huge waste of money having to replace the entire unit, and the bulb, every time a bulb expires...but I suppose that is just 'efficient' use of the tax payers money, right?
Perhaps, we need to let our representatives know our opinions on this matter as soon as possible.
Contact your Governor's office, and any State office that deals with appropriation of money, as well as any energy office and voice your concerns. This may be going on in every State.

Here's another helpful link:

The new light bulbs most likely will be sold to every business in the near future as well. Our officials need to have these issues brought to their attention and the situation corrected before these deliberate ballast destroying bulbs make their way into every school, business, and public building.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Light bulbs- make an informed decision

There's been a lot of controversy regarding light bulbs, so I have gathered up and presented here a significant amount of information from various sources in hopes that people can make an informed decision as to what is the safest and most effective means of lighting. This is a rather long post, however, you will find a lot of rather interesting information.
Incandescent Light Bulbs:
"Incandescent light bulbs don’t technically have a lot of ingredients that are overly harmful to the environment on their own merits. Incandescent light bulbs are largely glass and tungsten. They aren’t easily broken down, but aren’t harmful.
The problem with them is that they require so much energy to function. Incandescent bulbs, or “regular” light bulbs use about two times the energy as other varieties. Most of that energy is emitted as heat, not light (which is not such a bad thing, especially in colder climates!). They require more energy to offer less light.
Since most of that energy is emitted as heat, they may also require extra energy in the summer in the form of things like air conditioning to cool the area. However, most people do not use them during the daylight hours, which are longer in the summer months. The long and short of it is that incandescent light bulbs may actually be cheaper, overall, and most definitely safer, than their 'alternative' cousins.

Incandescent lamps offer a number of advantages:
1.Simple to use - direct connection into socket.
2.Lowest initial lamp cost.
3.Immediate starting and re-starting - no warm-up or cool down required.
4.Excellent optical control - concentrated light source is easiest to direct or focus.
5.Easiest to dim - simple variable resistor circuitry may be all that is required.
6.Wide design flexibility - variety of styles, outputs, and colours fill nearly every need.
7.Output not affected by operation over a wide range of ambient temperature.
8.Availability of ROUGH or VIBRATION SERVICE lamps or special sockets in high shock or vibration environments.
9.Require no external regulating equipment and and
10. Have a low manufacturing cost
11. Work equally well on either alternating current or direct current.
12. Some applications of the incandescent bulb use the heat generated by the filament, such as incubators, brooding boxes for poultry, heat lights for reptile tanks, infared heating for industrial heating and drying processes, and the Easy-Bake Oven toy.
13. In cold weather, the heat produced by incandescent lamps is a benefit as it contributes to the heating of the building.
14.Available in wattage ratings from 10 to 100W.
15. Produced in a wide range of sizes, light output, and voltage ratings, from 1.5 volts to about 300 volts.
16. Are NOT Hazardous Waste products.
17.Do NOT require special clean-up, or handling.
18.Do NOT require authorized toxic waste facilities to handle them for disposal.

Note: Operating 240V lamp on 226V (-6%) reduces wattage by 10%, reduces light output by 20% and increases lamp life by 30%.
(Operating 240V lamp on 254V (+6%) increases wattage by 10%,increases light output by 22% and decreases lamp life by 30%)

The downside and dangers of CFL lightbulbs:
One of the biggest problems with CFLs is that they contain mercury, which is toxic to humans and wildlife. For this reason, CFLs are required by law to be recycled or taken to an authorized toxic waste disposal site.
The total amount of mercury in a single bulb may be only as much as found in a bite of a tuna sandwich, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)however,ALL levels of mercury are TOXIC. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has issued a statement that consumers should consider not using CFLs in rooms where infants, small children and pregnant women live.
Some have complained that CFLs cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and even more serious health effects. And many people don’t like the color of light produced by CFLs. Standard CFLs can not be used with dimmer switches, although special dimmable CFLs are available atieces. Glass envelopes in most black lights are made from a special glass type known as Wood's glass. This glass is known to be tougher than its conventional alternative as it has to withstand more heat and pressure. As a result, such glass shrapnel can leave deep cuts, lacerations and even infections if left untreated.

Overheated Filament
Compared with a normal bulb, a UV lamp will produce more energy to provide the requisite amount of UVA rays. This means that the filament in such a bulb will be overheated. If there is a breakage while the light was switched on, then the superheated filament can cause burns in case of unprotected contact, especially when children and pets are concerned.

Phosphor Content
Merne is used in conventional lights. Here, the phosphor content is essentially europium-doped strontium fluoroborate and is coated on to the underside of the glass envelope. When a wound is created from phosphor coated shrapnel, the phosphor compound goes into the blood stream and interferes with the blood clotting process. This results in slower healing of the wound, leaving it open to infections from other substances.

The Downside to Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
Seven Problems with CFL Bulbs Prevent Wider Acceptance and Use

* Sep 3, 2009
* Holly Martin
Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are the light bulbs of choice for saving energy and money on utilities. But several drawbacks are forcing some to look for other options.
No one doubts that fluorescent light bulbs are far more efficient than traditional bulbs, which waste about 90 percent of their energy on heat. Many people have significantly reduced their electric bills by switching to CFLs. But there are situations where CFLs are not the best option.
CFLs work on the principle of fluorescence. An electronic ballast in the base of the bulb generates an arc between two electrodes inside a glass tube filled with gas. The arc excites mercury atoms in the gas so that they give off ultra-violet (UV) energy.
Because the UV rays are invisible, bulb makers add a white phosphor coating to the inside of the glass. When the UV strikes the phosphor, it glows, or fluoresces, in the visible range of light.
CFLs and Mercury
One of the biggest reasons to buy CFLs is that because they use so little energy, they reduce overall emissions of mercury into the air from power plant smoke stacks. However, as noted above, all fluorescent bulbs contain a tiny bit of mercury, which is highly toxic.
A report by Yale University researchers in 2008 concluded that, depending o in a CFL is much less than that in a can of tuna, CFLsg all debris and cleaning materials into a sealed jar or double plastic bag, and avoiding the use of brooms or vacuum cleaners that might stir mercury into the air.
In addition, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection website recommends disposing of the carpet, rug or bedspread on which a CFL breaks. It also suggests that CFLs might not be appropriate in rooms used by infants, small children or pregnant women, who are more susceptible to mercury poisoning.
Many hardware stores and local disposal sites accept CFLs for recycling, and some companies now sell pre-paid shipping boxes addressed to recycling plants. Unfortunately, not everyone has easy access to these options, so about three out of four CFLs end up in landfills, where the mercury gets leached into the soil and groundwater.

CFLs on Dimmer Switches
Many homes today contain dimmer switches. Using these switches saves energy by reducing the amount of power needed for lighting. But most CFLs do not work on dimmer switches, and may actually damage this kind of switch.
Some light bulb companies make CFLs that work on dimmer switches, but they are more expensive and often disappointing. They don't dim smoothly, but drop down in just a few, abrupt steps.

CFLs Don't Look Natural
Fluorescent lights normally give off blue-tinted light, whereas incandescent bulbs give off a yellowish light. Some people may not feel comfortable in the "atmosphere" of CFL bulbs. To reduce this effect, manufacturers are now offering CFLs in a color range of warm to neutral to cool.

Another problem with CFLs is that they don't show objects in their true colors. Bulbs are graded by their color-rendering index (CRI), with a grade of 100 being the color an object appears in daylight. Incandescent bulbs have a CRI of near 100, but CFLs are often graded with a CRI of 85 to 90.
Not all settings require a perfect CRI, and in many cases the color won't make much difference. By trying CFLs marked as either "warm" or "neutral," the blue color of CFLs might be avoided.

CFLs in Cold Climates
CFLs don't work well outdoors in cold weather. During the winter they take a long time to warm up to full power in garages, porches and outdoor light fixtures. CFLs are now labeled with their lowest operating temperature, and some are made especially for cold locations.
CFLs may not save as much energy in cold climates because they don't produce much heat. According to a study by the Canadian Centre for Housing Technology, houses with five CFLs replacing incandescent bulbs will have an increase in energy costs for heating in winter.
In summer, the study showed, CFLs significantly reduce power requirements for air conditioning. So although they do have a positive affect on total energy use throughout the year, lighting savings with CFLs are reduced because of the extra amount of power needed for heating.
For more information, see CFLs Can Cause Physical Symptoms.
For consumers who want to save energy and money, even where CFLs won't work, find energy saving alternatives to CFLs here(

CFLs can Cause Adverse Health Effects
Sensitivity to EMFs, UV Rays, Flickering Create Problems

The blogosphere is rife with complaints about the detrimental health effects of CFL bulbs. From migraines to nausea, ADD to autism, many claim that the curly bulbs are causing adverse physical symptoms. Yet in almost every case, supporters of full-scale conversion to CFLs deny that they could be the cause. But do these anecdotal experiences have some basis in fact?
Do UV Rays from CFLs Cause Skin Damage?
CFLs work by creating an electric arc inside a gas-filled glass tube. Atoms in the gas react to this flow of electricity by giving off light in the ultraviolet range.
To convert the UV rays to visible light, the glass tubes are coated inside with a white fluorescing powder. The glass and powder contain most of the rays, but all CFLs leak some ultraviolet light.
Like cell phones and laptops, CFLs give off electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). Many studies have been done on the health effects of EMFs, and most report that the levels given off by consumer electronics, wireless networks and power lines are within a safe range.
For healthy people, too much UV causes sunburn or even cancer. But for those with light sensitivity, such as Lupus sufferers, even a short exposure to these rays can cause blurred vision, burning eyes or a severe skin rash.
To prevent harm, the U.K. Health Protection Agency recommends using only CFLs with a layer of glass covering the twisty tubes. This blocks more of the UV rays, but also reduces efficiency. Otherwise, the study recommends not using CFLs in reading lamps or other light fixtures closer than one foot away for more than one hour.
Do EMFs from CFLs Cause Migraines?
Like cell phones and laptops, CFLs give off electro-magnetic fields (EMFs). Many studies have been done on the health effects of EMFs, and most report that the levels given off by consumer electronics, wireless networks and power lines are within a safe range.
However, Professor Magda Havas, of Trent University in Toronto, in a report to the SCENIHR, says that CFLs give off EMFs in the intermediate radio frequency range of around 100 kHz. Dr. Havas connects these EMFs with many symptoms, including migraine headaches, burning eyes, digestive problems, heart palpitations, immune system disorders, diabetes and even multiple sclerosis.
According to Havas, this Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS), may affect about three percent of the population. So far, however, no research has proven that EMFs from CFLs impact the majority of people.
(How much research has been, or is being, done to prove this one way or the other?)
Does Flicker from CFLs Cause Seizures?
The "old-fashioned" fluorescent shop lights were known for their unsteady flicker. CFL manufacturers have greatly improved the technology. However, some people report that migraines and even the preliminary stages of epileptic seizures might be triggered by the ultra-fast flashes from CFLs.
Epilepsy Action noted that CFLs may have caused adverse symptoms in a small number of their members. British Health Minister Ivan Lewis said, "It is known some people with epilepsy may be affected by energy saving light bulbs."
The New York Times quoted EU Parliament member Martin Callanan, who said, "the blanket ban [on incandescent bulbs] could spell misery for thousands of epilepsy and anxiety sufferers...."

OK, for the disbelievers among you, there have been a number of reported fires caused from the bases of CFL's burning a hole through them, shooting fire out and causing fires in homes. It doesn't seem to matter if they bear an American or Canadian Company name because they are still made overseas by foreign countries not subject to inspections for American safety standards. For those who think that the percentage of those dangers is low, perhaps they need to consider an incident like that happening in their home, with their children present...perhaps that would add the element of perspective needed.

Here's another informative link:
It has pictures showing the dangers of the CFL's overheating.

Personally, I became skeptical about the benefits of CFL's when the local electric company began passing these CFL's out for free. After all, aren't electric companies in the business of selling electricity? Why, then, would they want to help you lower your bill? That would be contrary to their own economic interest, really. Something just didn't 'smell' right. I was opposed to them from the start, and told my daughter at that time that the day would come that the real dangers of them would soon surface. I have had numerous health issues due to fluorescents all my life, and certainly those dangers will also surface in full with further investigation.

Other Options:
LED bulbs:
These use computer chip technology to convert electricity to light. But so far, LEDs cost too much and don't produce enough light to be practical.

Halogen energy saver bulbs
These are fully dimmable and come on to full brightness immediately. The Osram Sylvania halogen supersavers have a perfect (100) color spectrum, which means colors appear as they would in full daylight. Also, halogen bulbs contain no mercury and don’t need to be recycled. And while they do cost more than incandescents, they are still affordable.
How halogen bulbs work: The new light bulbs depend on surrounding the standard tungsten metal filament with a small glass capsule, or envelope, containing halogen gas. This gas “recycles” the tungsten atoms as they vaporize from the filament, by helping them re-deposit onto the filament. As a result, the filament can take more heat and produce more light.
Halogen bulbs have been around for some time, but the new “energy saver” halogens are optimized for efficiency(??), rather than for brightness and long life. They come in slightly different shapes than incandescent bulbs, but they fit standard light fixtures.
Manufacturing them in the U.S. would require an investment of millions of dollars, as well as stringent environmental and personnel testing to monitor mercury levels. The Osram Sylvania plant can be retrofitted to make the halogen bulbs for much less than that, Sconzo said.
According to the Osram Sylvania website(, the St. Marys facility manufactures nearly 2 million incandescent light bulbs each day.
“We employ 265 people whose livelihoods are dependent on the incandescent [bulb],” Sconzo said. “If no product was created to replace the A-line we would not have had a chance of surviving. Now, we have a shot.”
According to an article in the St. Marys Daily Press, most parts of the new bulbs will be U.S. made, including the glass, the metal base and the halogen capsule. St. Marys will be the only location where the halogen Supersaver bulb is assembled.
How to buy the new halogen bulbs: Energy efficient halogen bulbs are packaged and sold differently than either incandescent or traditional halogen bulbs. The packaging may not mention the word “halogen,” but it will state that the bulb is about 25 percent to 30 percent more efficient than standard Halogena Energy Saver bulbs and the Eco-vantage bulbs, which both use halogen incandescent technology. Home Depot stores carry the Philips Halogena series (NOTE:for those of you that oppose homosexuality/lesbian and/or transvestite promotion, be aware that Home Depot promotes and supports the gay movement and gay marriage, despite international efforts to get them to remain neutral on the issue).

Why energy efficient light bulbs?
According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the new light bulb regulations, along with the rest of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, were designed to “make America more energy independent, respond to the global warming crisis, and grow our economy.” (Of course, we must look into whether the 'global warming' was, in fact, a hoax- which seems to be the case- and whether, in fact, our economy is growing...which does not seem to be the case).
While the global warming movement is facing a crisis of its own, the light bulb efficiency regulations remain in place. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
By installing energy efficient bulbs throughout their homes, consumers can save a significant amount of energy and money on utility bills. And even though CO2 may not be as great a problem as once thought, other power plant emissions, such as ozone, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, still create air quality problems. So reducing the amount of electricity needed for lighting will help reduce these pollutants.
Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and light emitting diode bulbs (LEDs) are considered the best technologies that will be able to meet the new efficiency standards. But both of these have several problems.

Fluorescent Dangers
Fluorescent lights emit microwave radiation.
Exposure to microwave radiation has been linked to cancer, childhood leukemia, autism, ADD and birth defects, while the toxic effects of mercury have been linked to alzheimers and brain damage.
Some common symptoms associated with fluorescent light exposure are:
bowel problems
intestinal pain, cramping
blurred vision
skin rashes
sinus problems
sleep disturbances
mood swings
Fluorescent Light vs. Full Spectrum
The wavelength pattern of fluorescent light is vastly different than that of full-spectrum light. The imbalance of frequencies in fluorescent lighting has the same adverse effects in the classroom have shown improved general attendance and behavior, as well as enhanced academic concentration performance.
Studies have shown that male laboratory rats kept under fluorescent lighting will cannibalize their newborn rats. When fluorescent lights are replaced with full-spectrum bulbs, the male rat will nurture his young.

Fluorescent bulbs may pose health risks for autoimmune disease sufferers: Doctor
By Gerry Bellett, Vancouver Sun February 17, 2011
VANCOUVER — A B.C. doctor says new compact fluorescent bulbs may have "devastating" health implications for people with autoimmune diseases and is urging the federal governmers that patients with lupus or autoimmune diseases should be told about the risks," she said.

"What is the good of an online warning if nothing is printed on packaging or said to doctors? There are over a million people in Canada who have autoimmune diseases, never mind the 100,000 to 150,000 with lupus," she said.

"I don't want my lupus to flare up because of these bulbs."

McCaffrey has contacted Health Canada in an attempt to access the research material that prompted the warning, but said Health Canada has been unable to answer her questions.

Health Canada official Leslie Meerburg said the reason there are no warning labels on fluorescent bulb packages is that the UV emissions of the bulbs are similar to those of a regular 60-watt incandescent bulb. She said a UV hazard assessment on the bulbs showed no significant risk of injury to eyes or skin when used at a distance of 30 centimetres for periods lasting less than three hours.

"Should there be reason for concern regarding safety with (fluorescent bulbs), Health Canada would investigate further, measuring the output of the device, and make specific recommendations to the manufacturer to correct any issues," said Meerburg.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun

January 10, 2007 05:21PM EST
Fluorescent Light Ain't Right
Fluorescent light used in public buildings causes many kinds of physical and mental illnesses.
By Robert Brennan, The New York Megaphone
Studies worldwide prove that if schools and workplaces were lit with sunlight or full-spectrum bulbs kids would do better in school, and rates of depression and suicide would drop everywhere, from colleges to prisons.

Fluorescent light puts you at risk from cancer and depression.

Witness the ghastly fluorescent glow in the atrium of New York University’s Bobst Library. Here two 18-20 year old male students, Stephen Bohler and John Skolnik, plunged 10 stories to their deaths in the fall of 2003, killing themselves despite being in the prime of their lives. The library is bursting with bright fluorescent light (like most classrooms), and the days were getting shorter. Coincidence?
Studies worldwide prove that if schools and workplaces were lit with sunlight or full-spectrum bulbs kids would do better in school, and rates of depression and suicide would drop everywhere, from colleges to prisons. If you’re reading this on the subway, at work, or in your kitchen, you’re probably under fluorescent light. Is that a problem? Not if you’re a fan of skin cancer, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders and attention-deficit disorders.
Fluorescent light is omnipresent in drugstores, banks, classrooms, and, ironically, even in our hospitals. Those flickering “cool white” bulbs have nodes on the ends that give off X-rays and other electromagnetic pollution. The light they give is limited to mostly yellowish hues, and lacks the healthy, rainbow-colored benefits of sunlight and therapeutic, nutritious full-spectrum bulbs.
Researchers the world over have proven the dangers of fluorescent light. Besides headaches, eye-strain, and sleep disorders, here are some of the major problems:

Skin cancer (melanoma) has been linked directly to excessive exposure to fluorescent light, rather than sunlight. Dr. John Ott, an American pioneer of light research and the new science of photobiology, states, “Emissions from such light extend into the potentially carcinogenic range.” A study by the U.S. Navy found the most melanoma in people who worked under interior light all the time. The respected medical journal, Lancet, published a study by The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Sydney’s Melanoma Clinic that determined those who work indoors under fluorescent light are twice as likely to get skin cancer, and those who sunbathed often had the lowest risk of skin cancer. Richard Stevens, Ph.D., an epidemiologist with the University of Connecticut Health Center, who has written much on the subject, was quoted in the National Institutes of Health News (Dec. 2005) saying “if the link between light exposure and cancer risk can be confirmed, it could have an immediate impact on the production and use of artificial lighting in this country.”

“Problem Children,” Learning Disabilities, School Anxiety, and Leukemia: According to Laurence D. Martel, Ph.D., president of the National Academy of Integrative Learning, Inc., several studies prove traditional fluorescent bulbs used in classrooms cause anxiety, hyper-activity, attention problems, bodily stress, aggressive t to bathe the children, even if only in small amounts.

Depression: At the International Light Conference at England’s Reading University (1999), scientists confirmed that certain types of fluorescent tubes leak radiation that can lead to depletion of brain chemicals such as serotonin, which can lead to depression and suicidal tendencies. School principal Dr. William Titoff, in a controlled study (1999), verified the incidence of depression increased in his fourth grade students studying under fluorescent light, while fewer cases of depression presented among students who worked under full-spectrum light.

SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder): From the fall until the spring’s the solution? It seems we all need to get more sun. And, if we’re going to continue using fluorescent lights, we need to replace them with full-spectrum lights, which are designed to fit both fluorescent and normal incandescent lighting fixtures.
What are full-spectrum lights? American scientists invented these high-tech bulbs so humans could get simulated sunlight underground in the event of a nuclear holocaust. You can order them online (try;; or, or find them at most major hardware stores.
Fluorescent light was never meant for general use, according to Michaele Wynn-Jones, an English activist and longtime advocate for the removal of fluorescent lights from prisons. Wynn-Jones tells us fluorescent light was only meant to be a temporary, emergency feature to keep factories working 24 hours a day during the second world war.
The Russians and the Germans have known all this for years. In Russia, coal miners are mandated to disrobe and spend at least one hour each day in the sun, or in full-spectrum lighting, to prevent illness. The Germans have restricted the use of cool, fluorescent light in public buildings, and hospitals have banned the troublesome light based on the research of Dr. Fritz Hollwich.
Yet the sickly light is everywhere today, causing us to feel ill, tired, and angry. It may even rot our teeth. Note how many places you visit or pass by today that are fluorescent-lit—you have to admit the lights make everything and everyone look unhealthy. You’ll never see fluorescent lights on stage or in TV or film productions (unless the director is trying to make a dollar to study at a prestigious university and still find yourself sitting under toxic light. Why? Research proves reading and math scores soar when students study under full-spectrum light, but our schools are still living in the Dark Ages.
In 1960, Dr. Ott wasn’t taken very seriously after observing that mice lived for an seven to eight months under fluorescent lights; whereas mice living under natural, unfiltered daylight lived twice as long. The scientific data to date is overwhelming, and Dr. Ott and his colleagues in the new science of photobiology have been proven right. If we’re serious about not leaving any child behind, and about workplace safety, we’d better go with full-spectrum lighting and sunlight, or else we’ll be looking at a SAD future.

Rob Brennan is an actor, writer, and nonviolent revolutionary in Brooklyn. Email him at

Adverse Effects Caused Fluorescent Light Exposure
If you have recurring headaches or problems concentrating (or if your children do), the problem may be just above your head.
In the HSI Healthier Talk community, a member who goes by “Chiefcragdweller” started a thread titled, “Adverse effects from fluorescent lights?” in the General Health Topics forum. Chief writes: “Does anyone have, or know of, any information about people being adversely affected (i.e. stuttering, generalized weakness, inability to concentrate, etc.) by the frequencies of light emitted by fluorescent lighting or by the sound frequencies emitted by said lights?”
Chief received this quick answer from a member named Jo UK who has some experience with a type of cerebral function test called electroencephalography (EEG): “Fluorescent lights are certainly troublesome for some form of migraine and epilepsy. If you are disturbed by them – stay away or change the type of light. You are right about the frequencies – they aggravate brain waves, causing a photic response in the EEG (I used to work in an EEG department). Photic stimulation was one of the ways to elicit the migraine response, or even cause an epileptic fit.”
Fortunately there are alternatives to standard fluorescent lights. When a member named Timco wonders if the same problems would occur with compact fluorescent lights that are “full spectrum,” a member named Rick responds: “Full Spectrum & Compact Florescents will assist health by their higher CRI (color rendering index) and Intensity. Compact Florescent bulbs run from electronic ballasts at much greater intensities and efficiency. You can replace old standard ballasts with newer electronic ballasts but will need to change bulbs to ‘full spectrum’ for any health benefits.”
A member named Leppert has found relief by using full spectrum bulbs. She writes:nd there have been a number of reports from various schools on the problem of non diffused flouro’s all claiming that children in class are much harder to control when fluro lights are not diffused. Full spectrum does not cause these problems. This is a major area to look at with children’s behavior.”
A member named Carmen has had some first hand experience here: “I can assure you that it was a problem for this autistic – painful and overwhelming at times – and if ADD is on the same spectrum, I have no doubt that they are also stressed needlessly. Plus, this does not take into account possible deleterious health effects or stress that is on a subconscious level in neurotypical persons.”


06-06-2011 12:22 am - Tony Adkins - Conservative Action Alert
(NOTE: Unfortunately, the repeal did not pass;we can contact our representatives and demand the repeal be re-addressed!)
Britain's Health Protection Agency was the first to confirm consumers' claims that exposure to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) was making them sick.

Consumers in the United States, Canada, England and Europe have been complaining about headaches, skin burns, rashes, and neurological problems caused by CFLs because they emit ultraviolet radiation and electrical and magnetic field emissions, or "DIRTY ENERGY."

Health t Berlin Alab Laboratory, said: "For such carcinogenic substances it is important they are kept as far away as possible from the human environment," the UK Express reports. Braun added that the bulbs are especially harmful if left on near a child's head, or if used in close proximity to adults who use the light for reading.

"While it was known that harmful amounts of mercury are released if one of the new ‘green' bulbs breaks, experts have now discovered they also emit several carcinogenic chemicals."

"These include phenol - a poison used by the Nazis to kill concentration camp victims - and the toxins naphthalene and styrene, which are released as a form of steam when the bulb is switched on."

Several countries, including the U.S., have moved to ban and phase out manufacturing of traditional incandescent lights by 2012 - 2016, prompting their replacement with CFLs.

This is why Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), introduced the Better Use of Light Bulbs (BULB) Act that would keep SAFE incandescent light bulbs in the market, and REPEAL the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection and Energy Efficient Act of 2007, a law that ends production of traditional incandescent light bulbs by including new lighting efficiency standards that phase out the use of 100 watt and 75 watt incandescent light bulbs, and requires the production of toxic CFLs, halogen bulbs that can cause fires, and expensive LED bulbs.

Last year, the Canadian Broadcasting Network reported that a Trent University study revealed that DIRTY ELECTRICITY produced by CFLs can cause diabetics' blood sugar levels to increase, heighten neurological symptoms for people who have Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and cause breathing problems for asthmatics.

Please FAX every member of Congress to urge them to vote for Sen. Enzi's BULB Act and its companion bill in the House, H.R. 6411, so our lives won't be run by federal bureaucrats or environmentalists. We must ACT NOW to save our free enterprise system from the green energy advocates who believe Americans should pay up-to $50 a light bulb for expensive LEDs or risk toxic exposure from harmful CFLs!

CFLs, a light bulb invention that was once believed to be an energy and environmental solution to America's problems, is quickly becoming a more expensive and dangerous alternative. CFLs produce high levels of electromagnetic pollution, producing electromagnetic frequencies between 400 and 800

Sen. Enzi said the amount of mercury in one bulb is enough to contaminate up-to 6,000 gallons of water beyond safe drinking levels.

If members of Congress refuse to pass Sen. Enzi's BULB Act (S. 395), and its companion bill in the House, H.R. 6411 that was introduced by Reps. Joe Barton (R-Texas), Michael Burgess (R-Texas), and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), then everyone who wants to buy and use traditional incand urge them to vote for Sen. Enzi's BULB Act and its companion bill in the House, H.R. 6411. We must ACT NOW to save our free enterprise system from the green energy advocates who believe Americans should pay up-to $50 a light bulb for expensive LEDs or risk toxic exposure from harmful CFLs!

According to The Mercury News, "CFLs account for a quarter of new bulb sales and each contains up-to five milligrams of mercury, a potent neurotoxin that's on the worst-offending list of environmental contaminants."

The Association of Lighting and Mercury Recyclers reports that: "Demand for the bulbs is growing as federal and state mandates for energy-efficient lighting takes effect, yet only about two percent of residential consumers and one-third of businesses recycle them. said Paul Abernathy, executive director of the Napa-based recycling association.


That legislation - signed into law by President George W. Bush, with bipartisan support - mandates that light bulbs be 30 percent more efficient in 2012. It then imposes increasingly strict efficiency standards through 2020.

We must Aso our lives do not have to be impacted by TOXIC CFLs! This Act allows our government into an area where it doesn't belong, picking winners and losers in the light bulb manufacturing process, at the expense of jobs and endangering our health.

Members of Congress MUST hear from YOU!

Essentially, incandescents may actually be the best light bulb! It certainly is the safest, and most cost effective overall. Not to mention, if we re-opened the plants producing them HERE in the U.S., LOTS of people would again have jobs!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Things People Come Up With...

A family member sent me an interesting link to alternative lighting recently. As you may have guessed, I'm always looking for those interesting tidbits. Thought I'd share this. Apparently in the Phillipines, many people live entirely different than a lot of the world. It's too hot there, and there's an inordinate amount of people living in rather small quarters. Due to the lack of the materials other places have, these people make do. One fellow came up with a solution to brighten their homes with an interesting method. He picked up an empty plastic liter bottle, put some water in it, and noticed it beamed light from the sun. Now, he adds a touch of bleach (to keep bacteria from having too much fun),and cuts a whole in the roof,sticks the bottle in, seals it, and he's got light.
I doubt too many light companies would allow that trend to get too far. They'd be more likely to put some regulation on the book, like they did with people having solar panels and creating energy.
I suppose one could always use those in conjunction with insulation in the roof.Here's a n equally simple idea. Packaging and shipping companies sell large bags full of small curled polyurethane pieces.Just hang a piece of plastic, leaving an open area to stick the curly 'popcorn' into, and you've got a fairly inexpensive and effective insulation.You just fill the pocket, seal it at the opening, and this type of insulation let's you use thick or thinner areas, so there'd be minimal interference with this type of lightbulb. Now, there's inexpensive methods to light and insulate!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Disturbing, at best...

Last night, while researching, I came across an article published by Tom Bearden.
This article is soooo incredible. Even if you do not comprehend half of the terminology in it, I would urge you to keep reading it. It basically says that by utilizing electromagnetic energy, total health can be restored. I found this article on his website, under an article titled,'How to neutralize Nuclear Waste in 9.1 Minutes'
Here's the link to the article:

After reading it, and realizing fully what it was saying, I sat in wonder- totally amazed that this technology was NOT being used to save all the people who have recently been exposed to extreme radiation poisoning in Japan- Then I realized that this was NOT even recently discovered and proven! WHY is this NOT being used for the people that suffered from the Chernobyl incident? WHY have they NOT cleaned up the environment using this profound technology??

In his paper, he writes:
"Conditioned EM fields, potentials and waves may be used for the treatment of living cells, for the purpose of healing any form of cellular damage. Fig. 27 is a block diagram of a treatment unit for treating a living body, utilizing several teachings of the present invention in combination. The embodiment shown in Fig. 27 time-reverses an entire cellular mass – including altered genetics, as in AIDS – back to a previous healthy state. This embodiment is capable of reversing any kind of cellular damage or disease, including physical damage, genetic damage, damage due to infections, toxins, chemical poisoning, nuclear radiation, metabolic changes, etc. It is theoretically capable of reversing the physical effects of aging. Time reversal physically changes the cell and all its internal parts, including its genetics and the molecular constitution of its amino acids, proteins, etc. The limitation of this embodiment is that the treated cells can only be reversed back to those physical states in which the cells, or their progenitor ancestral cells, actually existed at some time in the past. Thus this embodiment is incapable of curing congenital defects, e.g., since the affected cells never possessed a normal state. On the other hand, cancer, leukemia, infectious diseases, hardening of the arteries, arthritis, and other diseases of cellular disordering from a previous normally ordered state, can all be treated and cured, since there existed previous normal states".

To me, this is incredible. To KNOW they HAVE the means to make people healthy, and utilize this in so many positive ways!
Last night, when I read this paper, I copied and pasted some of the information so as to be able to further research this matter. You may find some of these notes of Bearden's interesting:
A new unified field theory has been developed, tested, and at least partially verified experimentally. The concepts of the theory have been applied by Sweet in a series of inventions that produce readily usable, safe electromagnetic power directly from the vacuum. The methodology lends itself to formulation of power devices without moving parts. Antigravity, predicted by the concepts of the theory, has been demonstrated in actual practical demonstrations on the laboratory bench. Though not discussed in this paper, application of the concepts and methodology to a large variety of other fields, such as medical reversal of aging and curing of almost the entire range of present debilitating diseases, has been previously pointed out. [ref. 23] We have also pointed out the mechanism for Kaznacheyev's cytopathogenic effect, or the induction of cellular pathology at a distance by electromagnetic means. [ref. 24] We have also pointed out the specific mechanism involved in Priore's device, which in rigorous laboratory animal testing under the auspices of eminent French scientists, demonstrated nearly 100 percent cures for terminal cancers and leukemias, sleeping sickness, artherosclerosis, and other debilitating diseases.[ref. 25] We believe we have also produced the concepts enabling the direct engineering and therapeutic manipulation of Popp's master cellular control system. [ref. 26] We conclude that the concepts we have utilized and experimentally demonstrated are universal, as implied by any notional unified field theory. Our conclusion is that the concepts, theory, and experiments, taken together, are sufficient for investigation and replication by the scientific community. If replicated and fully substantiated, we believe the work will directly point the way to, and usher in, a new unified field theory physics of universal application.
As can be seen, the implications of the new approach are profound. The authors believe they have ushered in the forerunner of a vast new physics, one which will change our lives, and our view of physical reality, in ways previously undreamed of. By mastering, controlling, and gating the vast, incredible energy of the seething vacuum, we can power our automobiles, flying machines, and technology inexhaustibly. Further, it can be done absolutely cleanly; there are no noxious chemical pollutants to poison the biosphere. With practical antigravity, ships can be developed to cross the solar system as readily as one crosses the ocean today. And the ships, automobiles, and technology will never run out of fuel; the inexhaustible vacuum fills every system, everywhere, to overflowing.
Not discussed in this paper, it turns out that living systems, faced with the problem of achieving negentropy so as to maintain their form in a dissipative external physical reality, have always used the hidden internal channel for such things as mind, thought, cell control, and living functions.
With the new methodology, one now faces the advent of access and engineering of the mind and life of the observer as readily as the observer's physical body. Transmutation of the elements, control of the weather, lighting and powering our cities and homes cheaply and cleanly, and provision of plenty for everyone is the vista for the future. We can in fact clean up the radioactive wastes, rid ourselves of coarse nuclear and petroleum powerplants. We strongly stress that, with the ability to engineer the Schroedinger equation itself, the new methodology allows the direct engineering and control of quantum change, and hence of physical reality itself.
The methodology is extendable to hyperdimensions; nested virtual levels of the vacuum are already precisely that. The author has already pointed out the application of this emerging technology to the absolute cure of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, leukemia, etc., and shown that the Priore device in France already proved the efficacy of the application in the 60s and 70s. We shall be able to rid ourselves and our descendents of diseases. With direct access to the actual software of life and mind, in the future we should be able to achieve levels of education previously unattainable, by directly inputting the relevant software.
Previously we have also pointed out that four nations of the world are already embarked on weaponization of scalar EM unified field technology. It is sobering to think that, in addition to having the ability to make our planet a paradise for humankind, we also will have the ability to make it a hades. For that reason, we are doing our best to clarify the technical concept and the theory in this 1991, hopefully with the view that humankind will seize upon the positive aspects, and develop and apply this technology for the betterment of all people everywhere. Long ago, Albert Einstein said these words: "It would of course be a great step forward if we succeeded in combining the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field into a single structure. Only so could the era in theoretical physics inaugurated by Faraday and Clerk Maxwell be brought to a satisfactory close." And Teilhard de Chardin wrote: "Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world man will have discovered fire." The authors fervently believe they have come upon fire for the second time, as allegorized by de Chardin. If so, let us all use the knowledge wisely".

I agreed with that!
What say we put this to good use?

There's a way...

Sometimes, I think about what would happen if...
To me, a lot of things could easily go very, very wrong, what the the world in the state it is in today. However, there is a way to assure that we can thrive. It wuld take a bit of ingenuity, a bit of sweat, but it could be done. After all, in this day and age, we have a multitude of resources at our disposal that our ancestors did not have. Yet, they managed to carve out a living, managed to organize and group together what they needed to build great nations.
It starts with a willingness to rely on oneself, and connect with one's neighbors
Each of us has certain skills and talents that are useful. Each of us can find the resources necessary to fulfill dreams.
When we are willing to put those talents to work for ourselves- instead of relying on Big Conglomerate Corporations and Big Government- then, and only then are we free from the chains that currently bind us.
We can make the products we need, and we can provide the services we want. We just have to be willing to do it- again.
In the past few years, many people have noticed a definite degradation in the quality of goods we can purchase from these Mega Companies, and many have noticed the containers getting smaller and smaller, while the prices of those goods keeps increasing. The way we can stop this madness is simple.
If we can no longer purchase soap that actually cleans, then we start to make it ourselves. If we don't like eating tampered with foods, like GMO's and GME's, we grow our own. If we don't like the price of cars, and the fact that you need a computer specialist to fix them, then we build our own. If we don't like our jobs being sent overseas, then we create jobs right here at home. If we don't like our clothes and goods falling apart and being made with dangerous materials, then we make our clothes right here, and we make our goods right here.
Who are these servants, that we pay, to tell us we cannot have incandescent lightbulbs if that it the safest lightbulb? We'll make our own, and buy our own. These factories are sitting vacant- let us put our resources together, purchase them, and start using them again to manufacture the products we actually do want to have.
I recently saw a historic shirt manufacturing building up for sale, and I thought about how many jobs re-opening that facility would provide. I thought about how many people could gather the necessary resources to produce a good sturdy, finely woven cloth to make stylish, well-made quality shirts.
I thought about all the oil reserves this country has (look up Bakken, for starters). If these controlling entities don't want to provide us with quality fuel at a fair price, fine. let them keep buying their overly priced oil- but not at OUR expense. Let us just use our own, which will be $16 a barrel, instead. We don't need it. A few people starting up a small oil company, obtaining that local oil will certainly be supported by us. Good luck to them finding buyers for theirs.
Their soap doesn't want to suds, doesn't clean grease, and is diluted and over-priced? Fine. We can make our own quality product and, no doubt, sell it cheaper. Let's see just how big of a dent we can put in that market.
Don't like the excessive price of rent? Fine. Pool the resources, buy up some of these great places they foreclosed on, and then charge cheap rent. If the profits are used wisely, we could Keep buying up places, and get on a real roll with that one. Whose going to want to keep renting places that are cheaply built and exorbitantly priced?
Look at all these opportunities to start making our own goods again, and start providing our own services again, including water, and telephone!
It is the best way to become self-reliant again, and once we are, then we don't need to be lead around by the nose any longer.
We've done all this before- and with few resources available, so it can be done. It can be done much quicker and easier than before. It just takes us to act.
Let us set ourselves free from the grip of those who wish to ensnare and enslave us. We don't need to be taken advantage of any longer. We simply need to make what we want and need. This cuts those who would see our ruin right out of the picture. We don't require them, nor their permission.
Let us replace this decrepit scenario with one better suited to our liking.